Circuits 1 Topic

Source Transformtaion(Thevenins and Norton)

Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits in AC Circuits

Thevenin Equivalent Circuits

The Thevenin equivalent for an ac circuit consists of a phasor voltage source Vt in series with a complex impedance Zt.

The Thévenin voltage is equal to the open-circuit phasor voltage of the original circuit.

Vt = Voc

We can find the Thévenin impedance by zeroing the 
independent sources and determining the impedance 
looking into the circuit terminals.

The Thévenin impedance equals the open-circuit 
voltage divided by the short-circuit current.

Norton Equivalent Circuit

The Norton equivalent for an ac circuit consists of a phasor current source In in parallel with a complex  impedance Zt
In = Isc

Sample Problem

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